Southern Africa Overland 4×4 Tours Eco-Tourism

Our Southern Africa Overland 4×4 Tours Eco-Tourism focuses on conserving the environment…

Southern Africa Overland 4×4 Tours Eco-Tourism

Southern Africa Overland 4×4 Tours Eco-Tourism

Eco-tourism is responsible travel to natural areas.  Our Southern Africa Overland 4×4 Tours Eco-Tourism policy ensures that we strives to focus on conserving the environment, sustaining the well-being of the local people, education and interpretation of the local flora, fauna and culture while minimizing our impact on these fragile & pristine natural areas.

We love to increase people’s awareness of the beautiful landscapes and wildlife around them by showing them off in the most sustainable way possible.

Eco-tourism in Southern Africa allows us to touch pristine nature, for ourselves and generations to come

“Take only photographs, leave only footprints, and kill nothing but time” is our motto.

We are a locally owned and operated Southern Africa Overland 4×4 Tour company that carefully blends responsible travel with the exploration of natural areas.

It is very important to safeguard the integrity of the ecosystems we visit. We provide economic benefits and empowerment to the local communities that reside in the Southern Africa Communities we visit. When we leave an area there is no trace that we have ever been there other than our footprints and the pictures we took.

All the tours include our guiding services. We also do all the accommodation bookings. 


Fully Arranged Trip

We drive you in our vehicles, and supply our tents, stretchers, and furniture (camp chairs, tables, etc.).

We also do all the catering with the exception of personal snacks and drinks.

We also put up tents, take them down for you!

You just need to arrive with your clothes, sleeping bag and personal items for the trip.

We do all your accommodation bookings on all our packages!

Camping with Southern Africa Overland 4x4 Tents


Self Drive Trip with Equipment & Services

You will join us in your own 4×4 vehicle, but we will supply our tents, stretchers and furniture (camp chairs, tables, etc.)

We do all the catering with the exception of personal snacks and drinks.

We also put up tents, take them down for you!

You will just need to bring your 4×4, clothes, sleeping bag, and personal items for the trip.

We do all your accommodation bookings on all our packages!

Southern Africa Overland 4x4 Vehicles in action


Self Drive Trip with no additional items supplied

You will join us in your own 4×4 vehicle, bringing your own tents, stretchers and furniture (camp chairs, tables, etc.).

You will also put up your own tents, take them down.

You will bring everything you need for the trip with you.

You will also do your own catering, and make your own meals.

We do all your accommodation bookings on all our packages!

Winter tour of Lesotho.

All the tours include our guiding services. We also do all the accommodation bookings.


Fully Arranged Trip

We drive you in our vehicles, and supply our tents, stretchers, and furniture (camp chairs, tables, etc.).

We also do all the catering with the exception of personal snacks and drinks.

We also put up tents, take them down for you!

You just need to arrive with your clothes, sleeping bag and personal items for the trip.

We do all your accommodation bookings on all our packages!

Southern Africa Overland 4x4 Vehicle Setup


Self Drive Trip with Equipment & Services

You will join us in your own 4×4 vehicle, but we will supply our tents, stretchers and furniture (camp chairs, tables, etc.)

We do all the catering with the exception of personal snacks and drinks.

We also put up tents, take them down for you!

You will just need to bring your 4×4, clothes, sleeping bag, and personal items for the trip.

We do all your accommodation bookings on all our packages!

Southern Africa Overland 4x4 Vehicles in action


Self Drive Trip with no additional items supplied

You will join us in your own 4×4 vehicle, bringing your own tents, stretchers and furniture (camp chairs, tables, etc.).

You will also put up your own tents, take them down.

You will bring everything you need for the trip with you.

You will also do your own catering, and make your own meals.

We do all your accommodation bookings on all our packages!

Winter tour of Lesotho.